A bioluminescence material “seMpai” has been commercialized.
BLSC Spring School for High School Students 2019
Dr. Kitada and Dr. Saito received Awards of Excellence in “In vivo Imaging Forum 2018”
Dr. Kitada and Dr. Saito working at Maki Laboratory received awards of excellence for poster presentation in “In vivo Imaging Forum 2018” held on Oct. 19, 2018 in Tokyo. “In vivo Imaging Forum” has been held annually for the technology
Update of the seminar page
Newspaper article: Bioluminescence materials emitting near-infrared light for life science technology. Assoc. Prof. S. Maki
Kagaku-Kogyo-Nippou (Wed. Aug. 29, 2018) published an article introducing bioluminescence materials emitting near-infrared light (wavelength longer than 650 nm) transmitting deeply into living tissue, “AkaLumine,” “TokeOni,” “seMpai” etc., developed by Assoc. Prof. Shojiro Maki. The importances of collaboration among different