Yutaka Kano, the director of CNBE
In UEC, researchers are actively involved in various research fields, such as brain neuroscience, informatics, medical engineering, bionics, ergonomics, robotics, and optics. In our previous center, Brain Science Inspired Life Support Research Center, we discovered the clinical needs and researched and developed the assistive technologies. On April 2019, our center was renamed to Center for Neuroscience and Biomedical Engineering: CNBE, and clarified our position as the research center of brain neuroscience with engineering applications. The mission of our university is development of new type of researchers who have creativity and practicability to collaborate interdisciplinary and to research and develop the assistive technologies required at clinical sites, I think.
To achieve this mission, our center builds an interdisciplinary network which connect researchers on different fields to solve each problem and aims to develop new type of engineers and health care workers who develop and product their intellectual activity considering patient’s feelings by collaborating with different fields. Furthermore, we aim to build the development project dealing with requirement of patients and doctors without loss of time and to creates the method efficiently to solve the problem collaborating with different fields. On the other hand, in term of preventive medicine, it is also research and educational subjects of our center to support and reconstructive assist the functional ability of movement, sensing, and recognition for elders and to train them.
We unite and try to achieve this mission. Thank you for your collaboration.
Yutaka Kano, the director of CNBE